Run Multiple Iterations of a Test
You can run multiple iterations of a test by adding several Example rows to your Gherkin scenario. Each row defines a set of parameters for a separate test run.
For instance, the following scenario will run five times, each with the respective example row, whenever you run the test from the UI or command line (CI/CD).
Scenario Outline: Purchase an item
Given I log in with "<username>" and "<password>"
Given I add "<item>" to the basket
When I open the basket
Then the total price should be "<price>"
When I checkout with first name "Guy", last name "Arieli", and zip code "100102"
Then I should see "Thank you for your order" on the page
| username | password | item | price |
| blinq_user | let_me_in | Urban Backpack - Compact & Durable | 25.99 |
| blinq_admin | let_me_in | Action Camera - Ultra-4k resolution | 350.00|
| blinq_user | let_me_in | Mizu Bottle - Durable Hot & Cold | 15.50 |
| blinq_user | let_me_in | KeyX 3000 - Mechanical Keyboard | 45.00 |
Test Run Report
The run report includes the results and status of each iteration. This allows you to review the outcome of each test based on the Examples params provided.